Main Command Line Programs


Automatically Process a dataset

usage: auto.process [-h] [-m] [-s] [-a] [-b] [-p PREFIX] [-d DIR] [-z] [-l] [-x] [--formula FORMULA] [images ...]

Positional Arguments


Data sets to process. Each data set can be represented by any frame from that set. If no datasets are provided, attempt to resume from a previous checkpoint file

Named Arguments

-m, --mad

Process each set, scale together and generate separate outputs.

Default: False

-s, --screen

Process a few frames to characterize crystal

Default: False

-a, --anom

Process with Friedel’s law False

Default: False

-b, --backup

Backup existing directory

Default: False

-p, --prefix

comma separated list of prefixes to use for output files

-d, --dir

Directory to store output files. If not provided a new one is created

-z, --zap

Abandon saved state and start all over. Must be in a results directory.

Default: False

-l, --load

Load manually processed dataset

Default: False

-x, --nonchiral

Non-chiral spacegroups. Default assumes only chiral molecules

Default: False


Solve small molecule with provided formula. Eg Mg1O6H12

Data sets:

Each data set can be represented by any frame from that set. If multiple frames are provided but no MAD modifier options (-m, –mad) is provided, each set will be processed, and at the end all the datasets will be scaled together and merge into a single output reflection file.


auto.process –mad /path/to/dataset_{peak,infl,remo}_001.img

process a 3-dataset MAD

auto.process /path/to/dataset_{hires,lores}_001.img

process and merge low-resolution and hi-resolution datasets

auto.process /path/to/dataset_hires_001.img /path/to/dataset_lores_001.img

process and merge low-resolution and hi-resolution datasets. Same as above.

auto.process –screen /foo/bar/test_001.img –dir /foo/screen_output

Screen dataset and place the output in the given directory


Resume/repeat/optimize a previous processing from the integration step

usage: auto.integrate [-h] [-a] [-b] [-f FRAMES] [-x EXCLUDE] [-d DIR] [-o] [-r RES]

Named Arguments

-a, --anom

Process with Friedel’s law False

Default: False

-b, --backup

Backup existing directory

Default: False

-f, --frames

Data range e.g. <start>-<end>

-x, --exclude

Exclude frame ranges e.g. <start>-<end>,<start>-<end>,…

-d, --dir

Directory containing previous processing. Default is current directory.

-o, --opt

Optimize integration using refined parameters from previous run.

Default: False

-r, --res

Force high resolution limit


auto.integrate -r 2.2 -f 5-180 -o

Optimize the integration, restring to resolution 2.2, and only process frames 5 to 180

auto.integrate –frames 20-120 –exclude 1-2,310-220 –anom

Repeat the integration considering only frames 20 to 120 with Friedel’s law False for all remainig steps. Also skip frames 1-2 and 310-220


Resume/repeat/optimize a previous processing from the scaling step

usage: auto.scale [-h] [-a] [-b] [-d DIR] [-r RES]

Named Arguments

-a, --anom

Process with Friedel’s law False

Default: False

-b, --backup

Backup existing directory

Default: False

-d, --dir

Directory containing previous processing. Default is current directory.

-r, --res

Force high resolution limit


auto.scale -r 2.0

scale with high-resolution limit of 2.0 A

auto.scale –anom

scale with Friedel’s law False


Resume/repeat a previous screening from the strategy step

usage: auto.strategy [-h] [-a] [-b] [-d DIR] [-r RES]

Named Arguments

-a, --anom

Process with Friedel’s law False

Default: False

-b, --backup

Backup existing directory

Default: False

-d, --dir

Directory containing previous processing. Default is current directory.

-r, --res

Force high resolution limit


Resume/repeat/optimize a previous processing from the scaling step

usage: auto.symmetry [-h] [-a] [-b] [-d DIR] [-r RES] [-g SPACEGROUP] [-x]

Named Arguments

-a, --anom

Process with Friedel’s law False

Default: False

-b, --backup

Backup existing directory

Default: False

-d, --dir

Directory containing previous processing. Default is current directory.

-r, --res

Force high resolution limit

-g, --spacegroup

Manually set space group by number

-x, --nonchiral

Non-chiral spacegroups. Default assumes only chiral molecules

Default: False

Space group numbers for Bravais lattice types:




P2(#3), P2₁(#4)




P222(#16), P222₁(#17), P2₁2₁2(#18), P2₁2₁2₁(#19)


C222₁(#20), C222(#21)




I222(#23), I2₁2₁2₁(#24)


P4(#75), P4₁(#76), P4₂(#77), P4₃(#78), P422(#89) P42₁2(#90), P4₁22(#91), P4₁2₁2(#92), P4₂22(#93), P4₂2₁2(#94) P4₃22(#95), P4₃2₁2(#96)


I4(#79), I4₁(#80), I422(#97), I4₁22(#98)


P3(#143), P3₁(#144), P3₂(#145), P312(#149), P321(#150) P3₁12(#151), P3₁21(#152), P3₂12(#153), P3₂21(#154), P6(#168) P6₁(#169), P6₅(#170), P6₂(#171), P6₄(#172), P6₃(#173) P622(#177), P6₁22(#178), P6₅22(#179), P6₂22(#180), P6₄22(#181) P6₃22(#182)


R3(#146), R32(#155)


P23(#195), P2₁3(#198), P432(#207), P4₂32(#208), P4₃32(#212) P4₁32(#213)


F23(#196), F432(#209), F4₁32(#210)


I23(#197), I2₁3(#199), I432(#211), I4₁32(#214)